WHO can Read Aloud to Older Adults and Isolated People — the series finale

granddaughter grandmother taught to use technology

In the almost ten years (!) since I wrote this series of blog posts under the umbrella heading of “reading aloud to the elderly,” there have been many changes in the world. Terminology has changed, so that I’ve found it important to change the word “elderly” to older people, despite the fact that it has been searches for “reading aloud to the elderly” that has brought many people to these posts. The possible ageist implications of “elderly” make it important for me to change this.

Important note: Reading aloud to older people in long-term care or other residential settings is not as easy as walking in, plunking yourself down, and starting to read. There are regulations in place to protect vulnerable older adults that mean there may be background checks or training that you will need to complete to become a regular volunteer. These things are important. Please check with the staff where you would like to volunteer to find out what the requirements are.

This, of course, doesn’t apply to reading aloud to your own family member. I hope it won’t discourage you from doing this oh-so-helpful volunteer work with others, as well.

We’ve come to the end of the series of posts on reading aloud to seniors. We’ve talked about

All that’s left to ask and answer is WHO can do this? WHO will do this?

The answer is easy — ANYONE who can read and who has a voice, from the smallest new reader to a fellow isolated person, can read aloud to an older person who is lonely, isolated, can no longer read for his or herself, who yearns for the sound of another voice and for a story to brighten the long day.

YOU can do this. I can do this. WE can do this.

We have the tools, we have the understanding, we can make the opportunity.

Beth in script for blog

I wish you all the best as you seek to touch someone’s life by reading to them.

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