Dusts off hands, polishes corners, looks around in satisfaction…
The website redo is DONE! Bet you thought it would take longer. I certainly did. I may still tweak some things — I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t. But for the most part it’s done.
The banners were created using Canva. Have you tried it? It’s great fun, and very useful. Check it out here, if you’re interested.
Most of the contents of my website are the same, but they’re more findable now, I think. And the BIG improvement is that my blog is now readable on phones and tablets. Making that possible is what started this venture.
I’ve been reading some excellent books lately, and have discovered some wonderful resources, so I hope you’ll come back in the next weeks to learn about all those and more.
Have a great week!
It looks great!
Thanks, Carol!
Way to go, Beth! Congrats on getting it done so quickly. (And I love Canva!)
Thanks, Teresa! I will confess I stayed up one night until far-too-late o’clock because I couldn’t stop working on it, but I really expected it to take longer.
I’m redoing parts of mine in anticipation of a possible big project next year so I know the feeling. Congrats on a job well done!
Thanks, Donna! Good luck with yours!
It looks terrific, Beth! I am impressed with your technical savvy!
Thanks, Susanna! A Beth’s gotta do what a Beth’s gotta do. The more times I do this sort of thing, the easier the process becomes.
Looks wonderful. Well done!!
Thanks, Darlene!