Do You Know your A B Cs? A to Z Blogging Challenge is coming up!

A B C D E F G…  If you know your ABCs, perhaps you’d like to join me in April in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Beginning April 1st, hundreds of people will be blogging daily all that month (except for Sundays after the 1st) using the letters of the alphabet as springboards for their creativity.

I will be blogging about the arts and writing and the connections therein, and already have most of the letters planned. I will do my best to work the alphabetic theme into my normal blogging categories on the appropriate days. “X” on a Perfect Picture Book Friday in Spotlight Week might prove a challenge. However, I can just about hear what my Spotlight focus for April would say about challenges, so I’m (almost) sure I’ll come up with something. Otherwise, there might be two posts on X day.

To read more about the A to Z Challenge, you can check out this link. You can also get to the A to Z blog by clicking the logo badge down there in my sidebar. Sign up starts Monday, January 30, 2012. Blogging for the challenge starts with A on April 1st. (But many people will be writing posts ahead of time and scheduling them.)

A B C D E F G — hope you’ll sing this song with me!

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17 thoughts on “Do You Know your A B Cs? A to Z Blogging Challenge is coming up!”

  1. Would love to give this a go. Read about it earlier and even throught of a theme… but I have no idea about how to do the re-scheduling bizzo that you speak of. It would work if I knew how to do that because I would need to work on this earlier so I am not rushed….. tricky!

    1. Diane, I use Blogger so all I have to do is write my post and leave it in my Drafts…don’t actually publish your post until the day you want to. Right now I have 5 or 6 just sitting in the draft folder with ideas of what I want to say on a particular day…I will post them on the days I need them. Hope this helps…

      1. Donna, You can schedule posts in blogger for a specific time, date. You can schedule them for the whole month in advance if you like. I’m on blogger and can talk you through. – Stacy

  2. Wow, that actually sounds quite fun…but probably not possible for me at this moment. That would be a lot of poems to write and record! Thanks for letting us know about it…darn it! Now the wheels are turning… 🙂

    1. Maybe next year, Renee — you could work on your poems throughout this year, and be ready next year — this is the third annual challenge, so I’m sure there will be one next year.

  3. Beth, you are very persuasive and I have decided to join the fun! My theme, as always, is providing support for all the wonderful writers out there. Since I already list a post every day, it’s not going to take any more time than it already does…lol…

  4. I’ve drafted A to F so far. I decided to stick with a theme and I’ll be warning about two posts on Fridays — one for the challenge and PPBF. We’ll see if I can get everything typed, formatted and ready to go, so I can spend time roaming all the other participant’s posts during the challenge. 🙂

    1. Great! It was on your blog that I first learned about the challenge, because the badge intrigued me. My plan is to do as you’re doing, and have everything ready to go, so that I can enjoy other challenger’s posts.

  5. Hi Beth! So glad you’re doing 12 x 12 in ’12 – I appreciate your finding me and stopping by to cheer me on. I am in awe of your blogging….and wow! The alphabet in April, eh? I think I’ll stick with 12 x 12. A bit more my speed for a challenge. But I’ve subscribed to check yours out. Whee!

    1. Hi, Pierr! So glad you paid me a visit — and thank you for subscribing. It will be good to get to know you through 12 x 12 and through our blogs.

  6. We at A to Z want to thank you for this post and the help you are giving to other bloggers. That’s what this community of bloggers does best.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

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