Creative Kids Saskatchewan — A Shout-Out

All week I’ve been celebrating the joy of kids in theatre. We need to remember that not all kids have easy access to experiences like this.

Today I was with others of the arts and cultural community in my city, to celebrate the program Creative Kids Saskatchewan, which makes it possible for kids who live in poverty, or have other barriers to arts and cultural experiences, to take music, dance, theatre, art — and to thus have their lives enhanced in the myriad ways that the arts contributes to life.

This morning’s event began with a drumming chorus — 30 kids, a multicultural rainbow of kids playing drums of a variety of ethnic origins in a stirring, exciting, part-song. With no lyrics or melody, those kids made music, joyfully and meaningfully. A hauntingly beautiful song was sung by the girl who inspired the originators of Creative Kids to launch the program a few years ago — a girl who wanted so much to learn to sing, but who didn’t have the means to take the lessons she craved, until Creative Kids made it possible.

Speeches by various notables in the Creative Kids community led up to the announcement we had all gathered for. The Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan has launched a matching donations program — any donations to Creative Kids between now and the end of September will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $50,000.  Think how many opportunities for education in some facet of the arts can be provided for $100,000!

To learn more about Creative Kids, you can visit their website by clicking this link, you can check out their facebook page — Creative Kids Saskatchewan, and you can follow them on Twitter @CreativeKidsSK.

I’m delighted to say that in September (yes, I’m planning that far ahead!) I will be interviewing Christie Nenson of Creative Kids as one of my Wednesday Worthies as I spend the month talking about arts education opportunities for kids.

What does your community do to get kids involved in the arts?

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6 thoughts on “Creative Kids Saskatchewan — A Shout-Out”

  1. LACMA – Los Angeles County Museum of Art – conducts art classes, lectures and studio workshops for children…some which look pretty interesting! Once again age stands in my way.

    This might not be related, but I must also bring up the annual Butterfly Parade in Pacific Grove (near Monterey – Boyfriend and I will be visiting in a month!). School children dress as butterflies and create banners, to greet the migrating monarchs on their way to Mexico. The flocks of butterflies are something to behold!

    1. Thanks for these, Audrey! There are so many things I wish I was young enough to participate in!

      The Butterfly Parade sounds wonderful!

  2. Great post Ms. Stilborn! I liked learning about the event! My town doesn’t do a lot of things to get kids involved in the arts except for school-related things. BUT we live near Philly and THEY have a lot of things going on to get kids involved in the arts!

    1. Thanks, Erik! Great that you live near Philly — that gives you all kinds of opportunities that I didn’t have when I was a kid.

  3. We’re fortunate to be able to afford putting our girls in dance and acting programs, but as for affordable arts – there’s just not many options around us. I’d love to see more of those opportunities available.

    1. Thanks, Laura. I’m glad your girls are in dance and acting — those experiences will stand them in good stead no matter what they do in later life. I, too, wish there was more access for those who can’t afford the lessons.

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