Support Your Local Theatre

Theatrical masksA recent letter on the editorial page of the Minneapolis Star Tribune spoke of high ticket prices for touring Broadway shows. A response to that letter  (scroll down to THEATER PRICES) spoke well of the myriad opportunities to see good theatre by supporting local theatrical companies.

Ticket prices can be a definite stumbling block to many when it comes to having the opportunity to attend theatre performances, musical concerts and the like.

Often it is the big-name shows that get the average person off the couch and into the theatre (and complaining about ticket prices). Despite the ticket prices, these big name productions do get people into the audience for live theatre – but we need to encourage people to go to productions that are put on by local theatre. We need to help them realize that such productions can still feature excellent acting, dance, music – often at a lower price point.

While not all of us have access to the plethora of theatres and professional companies that Minneapolis-St.Paul has (and oh, how I wish I lived closer when I hear of some of the productions being staged in and around The Cities!) there are good theatres practically everywhere you look.

It may seem as though the beginning of June is not the time to be posting about this, as many theatre companies and orchestras are winding down their season – but there are many opportunities for summer stage productions all over the United States and Canada.

On Mondays for the rest of June, I’ll be exploring some of these opportunities in blog posts (though not in real life). Hope you’ll join me!

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13 thoughts on “Support Your Local Theatre”

  1. As you know, I support live theatre in any way I can. I am invited to shows in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, as well as where I live. I am always blown away by the professional theatres and all their bells and whistles. I am also mesmerized by local productions. The folks who volunteer their time to put on those shows are amazing. They are out there for the love of the art, and it shows. Live theatre, in any venue, inspires!

  2. Summer can be a great chance to see theater for free outside, like in a park. There are always a few down here where I live (Texas), some put on by the city and some put on by very small companies. Last time we went, ticket cost was by donation, any amount, and came with free beer.

  3. I am looking forward to your list this month, Beth. Here in Atlanta, Ga., we’ve got some really good playhouses. the historical Fox Theater presents some great shows for quite reasonable prices. I hang my head in shame that I don’t take advantage of the amazing arts my city provides. Still, it pleases immensely that it is available to me in quality and quantity. Again, looking forward to the Monday posts!

    1. I’ve heard of the Fox in Atlanta!!! I don’t go to nearly as many things as I should, either. There’s only so much time! Thanks so much for your support of this upcoming series! (and for your support all the time! I appreciate it so much!)

  4. Beth, I wish more people attended theater performances in their communities. I know we have some excellent performing groups in Dayton. We have the Human Race Theater, the Loft and a great theater at the universities.

    Sorry, I haven’t checked your posts. You don’t show up in my readers and I have to remember to click on you link on face page of my blog. Crazy, I know.

    1. I will check out what’s available in Dayton when I plan my posts, Pat! Thanks!

      The feed issue for this blog is so strange. Sorry!

    1. Even if you don’t have a local theatre company, it’s good that the high school drama club is good! Annie is such a cool production!

  5. You make an excellent point.I believe I’ll check to see what we have in our local area. With summertime here, it could be a good thing to discover crafty ways to help keep my Chipmunk entertained.

    1. Oh, that would be great for Chipmunk! Some places also have Children’s Festivals that include all kinds of music, drama, arts activities. Maybe your area has something like that.

  6. Pingback: Festival Time!

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