T is for … Tagline

Taglines. You’ve all read them. They are those concise, highly memorable slogans used to promote a film. In a few words, the tagline encapsulates the key concept of the movie. Taglines are riveting. They stay with you. The best of them become part of society’s lexicon.

To read some of the best movie taglines ever written, check out Filmsite’s listing of Great Film Taglines (but I’d appreciate it if you waited until you’ve read the rest of this post!)

Taglines can be used to great effect by writers, as well.

First a word of explanation for those new to my blog. The last full week of every month is “In the Spotlight” week here at By Word of Beth. I train the spotlight on a person, or event, or concept, for the entire week. So, welcome to April’s “In the Spotlight” week.

This week is being celebrated as National Princess Week by the Disney and Target corporations, along with writer/actress Julie Andrews. One of the events connected with National Princess Week is the release of the latest in the Very Fairy Princess series of picture books by Julie Andrews and her daughter (my writing coach and mentor) Emma Walton Hamilton, The Very Fairy Princess: Here Comes the Flower Girl. To learn more about the ideas behind the Very Fairy Princess, and to learn that it’s about much more than the glitter and glamour usually associated with kids’ princess books, read Emma’s blog post. For suggestions of how your young Princesses and Princes can celebrate National Princess Week, the Julie Andrews Collection website has a list of 30 suggestions for activities. There is also an incredible listing of real-life princesses and the good work they do in our world at the Very Fairy Princess website.

The “person” in the Spotlight on my blog this week is the main character in these books, Geraldine, the Very Fairy Princess. I am delighted and honored to be able to tell you that on Wednesday, I will be featuring an exclusive interview on my blog with Geraldine herself!

Today, though, we’re talking about taglines, and the Very Fairy Princess books definitely have a tagline. Geraldine is always encouraging people to “Let Your Sparkle Out!” By this she means to let your own talents shine through, celebrate who you truly are, and help others to discover the sparkle within themselves, as well.

As I celebrate the Very Fairy Princess this week, and as you get to know Geraldine as the week progresses, I hope you’ll be encouraged to let YOUR sparkle out, as well.

To help you sparkle, I have a very special GIVEAWAY to announce today. On Sunday, I will be giving away two Very Fairy Princess prizes. The Grand Prize is a copy of the brand new, hot-off-the-press picture book The Very Fairy Princess: Here Comes the Flower Girl, accompanied by a fairy princess wand created by a talented woman in Minnesota.  Second prize is a copy of The Very Fairy Princess: Here Comes the Flower Girl. Every person who comments on any of this week’s blog posts will be entered in the drawing. The more times you comment, the more times your name will be entered. On Sunday, April 29 at 12 noon Eastern Time, random.org will help me choose a winner of the Book plus Wand, and a winner of the Book alone.

Are you ready to let your SPARKLE out?


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16 thoughts on “T is for … Tagline”

  1. Not every book has a tag line, but I think “Let your sparkle out” is an example of a very effective use of one. We know what is at the heart of Geraldine’s adventures and it’s very catchy, but not clichéd! It applies to adults as well as girls and boys!

    Can’t wait for your interview with Geraldine, Beth! Sure to be pretty sparkly, I suspect!

    1. I love “let your sparkle out” for that very reason, Joanna — it applies to everyone!

      The interview with Geraldine is brief, but she does sparkle in her own inimitable way.

  2. Excellent T word. I like my tagline on my blog: Go. Create. Inspire! I’ll check out the ones from the films.
    Your blog is wonderful. I think we have lots in common. I am now a subscriber in my reader. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog about playing piano at the nursing home, re: Doris’ story. I’m enjoying her portrayal of a woman with dementia.

    Write on!

    Play off the Page

    1. Thank you so much, Mary. I, too, like your “Go. Create. Inspire!” It’s so appropriate.

      I’m going to enjoy your blog as well. It’s so good to get to know “kindred spirits.”

  3. Thanks for the great post! My daughter and I have been eagerly awaiting Geraldine’s return in the newest Very Fairy Princess book.

  4. Julie Andrews, a spot o tea, cookies and a new book – every princesses’ delight! Thank you, Beth for the opportunity to enter. My tiara is dusted off in anticipation!

  5. Lovely way to tie tagline into your blog post today. Enjoyed reading about all of the activities for Princess month and suggestions from the Julie Andrews Collection. Geraldine is a modern day princess with no pretenses and a lot of spunk! Look forward to your interview with her on Wednesday.

    1. I so enjoy Geraldine. The interview is short (Fairy princesses are very busy.) but it’s truly Geraldine, and so I think you’ll like it!

  6. I think tag lines relate to being able to articulate what your story is about – something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately… I think I ought to be able to say what my story is about in one sentence. Not exactly a tag line, but along those lines. I think if I can’t come up with a tagline and/or encapsulate my story into a sentence, I haven’t finished thinking yet and my story may not hit the mark. But it’s really hard to do! I’m one of those people who always gets into the details… 🙂

    1. VERY good thought on tag lines, Susanna. Something like what I talked about with High Concept.

      I have trouble not getting into the details as well, in fact, I need to revisit my PPBF review for this Friday, and take out some of the detail in the synopsis!

  7. Thanks for this post! I knew what “taglines” were but I didn’t know they had a name. I thought they were just slogans. I’m not sure about “letting my sparkle out” HA HA 😉 I didn’t know it was Princess week! I just told my sister. I would love to win the book for Josie 🙂

    1. Even boys can let their sparkle out! It really means finding out what is special about you, and using that special inner self to reach out and benefit other people. I think you do that in many ways every day, Erik!

      Here’s hoping that you win the book — the more times you comment on this week’s blog posts, the more chances you’ll have.

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